Title: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Series: Star Wars
Director: Gareth Edwards
Rating :
What is it about?
This Star Wars story takes place between Star Wars 3 and Star Wars 4. The Rebel Alliance is in search of plans on how to destroy the Death Star.
Shannon’s Thoughts:
We learn how the Rebel Alliance gained the plans on how to destroy the Death Star.
I have heard many people call this one better than the original Star Wars and I would not go that far but I think I understand it. It seemed very true to the canon of the Star Wars world. It is not fan fiction like and it got dark when it needed to making it feel very real.
You would think that a movie where you know what is going to happen after it might be boring. It could have been but it was not. The story was compelling, and action packed. I have never been big fan of general war movies but this was made enjoyable to watch.
I hope to see more movies like this in the Star Wars world. I never read the books that tell of other Star Wars stories, some not in canon. Just hope the movie are as good this.